Sunday, August 31, 2014

Blog Assigment #2

What Will Teaching in the 21st Century be Like?

Mr. Dancealot

The central message of this video is that if a teacher does not have lectures and activities that are right for the class and for what the teacher is wanting to get across to the students, the students will not be able to learn anything. In this video, the professor expects the students to take notes when the class is a dance class and the students should actually be learning how to dance and not just watching the teacher dance. The reason why this is an issue is because when it is time for the students to be tested on what they have learned they end up not knowing a single thing. I do agree with the author's conclusion because if the teacher does not correlate all materials, lectures, and activities for what the teacher is trying to teach how do they expect their students to learn anything?

Teaching in the 21st Century Outline

I. If teachers only provide students with formulas, research, dates, and other information then teacher's roles are obsolete.
A. Students can find this information anywhere including Google,Twitter, Wikipedia, etc.
II. Students should be creative
A. blogging
B. pod casting
C. animating
III. When using tools to create any lesson, what should the lesson be?
A. relevant
B. challenging
C. engaging
IV. Students need to be engaged and not entertained.
V. It starts with the teacher
A. discover what is out there
1. discover sites for students to use
2. do your own research
B. Think small
1. What is one thing from the 21st Century that can be used to better engage students?
C. Collaborate with others
1. work with others and see what has been successful in their classrooms
D. Risk it
1. try something and see how it works
VI. Big picture
A. No matter what the question to ask is what does it mean to teach in the 21st century?

Roberts sees teaching develop with technology and believes that students should be able to be taught by using the technology in the classrooms. I feel that Roberts' views of technology are what will help students stay engaged and help them be able to learn. This view of teaching will affect me as an educator by having to learn how to use this technology before trying to teach students how to use it. Technology will help teaching in the 21st century and will also help in the learning process of the students and the teachers.

Why Does the Networked Student Even Need a Teacher?

The networked student needs a teacher because the teacher helps direct him/her on where to get information from, answers when he/she gets stuck, and how to communicate properly on blogs and other social networks. The teacher also teaches the student how to differentiate the information the student is getting and useful sources. The student also needs the teacher to show him/her how to not only search for information but how to find new information from the sources that the student is using. The teacher helps the student navigate through information and allows the student to learn how to apply the information obtained. This is what every teacher is should strive to do in the 21st century because the student should not just learn information but should be able to apply the information for the rest of their lives.

"Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts"

The thesis of Davis' video is by using technology in the classroom allows students to learn more and also allows the teacher to learn from the students. My reaction to this video is that I do agree with Davis about how students should be able to use technology and learn to work with people around the world. One major detail that I do not agree with is giving students information and projects to do that the teacher does not even have an understanding on themselves.

"Who's Ahead in the Learning Race?"

I am currently an undergraduate student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama and I am comparing elementary, undergraduate, and graduate students to see who is ahead in learning the use of technology. The elementary students seem to be ahead with the use of technology. The elementary students have already created rubrics and imovies and my undergraduate class and the graduate class at the University of South Alabama have not even began learning these concepts.

"Flipping the Classroom"
Flipping a classroom is a new concept for me. I do believe this new approach will be useful to me as a teacher and to many other teachers because it allows students to watch the lecture and learn how to do many different things or at least attempt the homework so that during class the teacher can answer any questions that the students might have and allow students to show how they figured out and solved the problem and may be able to help other students how to understand the problem without the teacher having to do so.

"Flipping the Classroom"
Source: De Valle Elementary School


  1. Hi Lauren!
    I completely agree with your Mr. Dancealot, in fact it is almost exactly the same that I wrote. Technology is a big influence. It is used for everything, and we will only use it more and more. Teachers can never be erase or done away with. Kids will always need teachers, whether it be a video online or an actual teacher in class. Kids will always have questions. I agree about how in Mrs. Davis' classroom she also learns from the students. Everyone learns something new every day. I also agree that elementary students are ahead in technology. That's scary, to be honest. Kids learn so quick. Flipping the classroom would be good and bad. We need to think about kids that are less fortunate and do not computers at home, or time because of extracurricular activities in the school. A child can only focus for so long.

  2. Good post. Also, nice job on adding alt and title modifiers to your picture.
